
7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary Skills


The English language is among the most abundant of all languages. You’ll never run out of vocabulary words because of its voluminous nature.

Whether you are writing an essay, poetry or writing a journal, all forms of the written word benefit from a strong vocabulary. A strong vocabulary ease precise writings and helps you to avoid unclear words.

To strengthen your existing writing skills, add new words to your written vocabulary. You able to describe specific emotions and ideas in a better way when you broaden your range of vocabulary.

Here are some easy ways to help you improve your vocabulary skill-

1. Read

Reading can increase your knowledge of words. Read newspaper, novels, magazines or any of your favorite book. Seeing words in a newspaper or magazine can be helpful to gain exposure to unfamiliar words. You also learn how the words are used while writing or communicating.


2. Use the dictionary

At home or at work, develope the habit to go through the dictionary at least for 110-15 minutes. Circle the words which seems new to you. You get to know about root words, antonyms, synonyms and related words from dictionary. You may also use online dictionaries.


3. Play word games

Scrabble is a fun way to expand your English vocabulary. Make a list of new words you got while solving puzzles or playing scrabble and read that list daily.


4. Use new words in conversation

If you learn any new word while reading or playing word games, try to use it in your conversation. You will also learn the art of word choice while using different words in your daily formal and informal conversation.


5. keep a journal

Develop a habit of writing a diary. Write your daily routines, your thoughts and feelings in English. This is an easy way to include new vocabulary into sentences.


6. Practice with others

Make a conversation group in your area or meet a friend for conversation. Practicing with others can help you learn how specific words are used in a conversation. Group word games can also be a fun way to review your knowledge of new words.


7. Use flashcards

Make a habit to learn new at least 5 new words daily and write them down on flashcards. Try to memorize them as if you were studying for an exam. Even if you are doing household chores or watching TV, keep some flashcards with you and read your new words. Always be constructive.


The most important factor in building your vocabulary is Motivation. Keep yourself motivated to enhance this skill.

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